Passed the Exam Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900

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This week I had some time to start with the new certification series from Microsoft. I started with the certification exam Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900. This exam gives a basic overview of Microsoft Azure and Cloud Computing in general.

The contents of this exam are divided into 4 categories were you need basic understanding:

  • Cloud Concepts
  • Core Azure Services
  • Security, Privacy and Compliance
  • Azure Pricing and Support

Why take the exam?

I recommend Azure Fundamentals exam to anyone new to cloud computing and especially Microsoft Azure. While learning you will get a good overview of Microsoft Azure. For the exam itself, it is important to have a good understanding of cloud concepts. For this reason it will not be enough to use only Microsoft Azure documentation or the Microsoft Learning Portal.  Therefore I recommend to unlock a free Azure Pass and experiment with $200 for 1 month.

As written in the introduction, the new certification series of starts with this examination. You can find an overview of the possible certification path you want to go here:

I hope there are some readers who will take this exam soon and I’m looking forward to your feedback.

Categories: Cloud Computing, Microsoft Azure
Patrick Riedl

Written by:Patrick Riedl All posts by the author

I am Patrick Riedl, and as you can see I am totally Microsoft enthusiastic. Through my work as a Cloud Architect and my background in IT- & information-security, I always try to be ahead of times. With this blog & podcast I hope to give back some knowledge and learning to the online community. I am always looking forward to feedback.

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